
Nails. Un-painted, painted simple, painted with different colors or with patterns?
Myself, I almost never have my nails unpainted, when it happens it´s more often than not because something I did went wrong and I gave up for the moment, maybe I didn’t have time to make something out of it or I just figure it’s good to let the nails breathe for a while!;)

Nail polish is something, that’s according to me, is hard or rather impossible to have too much of! There are so many colors and shades, glitters that’s both big and small, matte or glossy…
Well, you name it!
Without nail polish I feel like that I missed something important, even a layer of clear nail polish is enough to feel ok, (read not naked). But if the time lets me, I put on a layer of colors or some fun pattern :)

On this page you will find inspiration and short explanations of “how to”, some of the pictures will also be found on Instagram, but if you click your way there you will have to sift through the pictures because I put a little bit of everything good on this page on there. At the bottom of this page you can find information about tools and things I’ve used to create my nail and other things that are good to have close by when decorating your nails!

Have fun browsing!


A little bit of this and that.

Easter´s time!

Either you just paint your nails simple in any happy color (I used yellow as you can see), or you decorate them in some way! If you wonder how to do this, scroll further down and read about “Some patterns I made with pens”, there you will have the explanation on what to think about!

Happy Easter! :)


The summer is wonderful! And so are colors!

For these nails you need these colors: Yellow Light purple Darker purple Dark green Light green Light blue (Base and top coat)
You also need nail polish remover and a thin brush.

Keep repeating until you are satisfied.

Make a base with the light blue polish, when it´s dry you make small dots with one of the colors and use the brush dipped in nail polish remover to make it blurry.

Finish off with top coat. 


When one thinks about spring cleaning, I suppose that nails aren’t the first thing that comes to mind!? Anyway, I looked at my nails the other day and I noticed that my cuticles had grown up a bit too much - they needed care. And this is what I did:       
Before                                        After

Put on some music or turn on the TV, fill a bowl with tepid water for a hand bath, let your hands stay in the water for about 10 minutes.

Dry your hands and put cuticle cleanser on, wait 2-5 minutes, the u use a nail-brush to give an extra clean, finish by brushing under running water and use a manicure stick to GENTLY push your cuticles back and if needed – to (also gently) scrape away skin coat that might still be on the nail.

Because my nails were a bit splintered I also used nail oil, put it on both your nails and cuticles, and then massage it in – if your nails aren’t split, you can skip this part. But, nail oil is strengthening and makes your nails healthier in general.

Now you put cuticle cream on and massage for a minute or two...    

As you can see on the "After" picture I´ll have to do this again later on - maybe in a week or so..
But it´s much better than before - right!

This is where I've learned how to take care of my nails!
If you look at the text you can see that it´s in
Swedish, it says “Tips and advice about nail care”

Also, in this you can read that it might take a couple of repeatings with this until you cuticles are as you´d like them to be.

So be patient and repeat!.. I know I will.


It started with a wonderful spring feeling and a flower, it became nail decorations!

You can see everything you need at the picture, but:
Something for inspiration
Nail polish in the right colors (I used purple, even though it looks a lot like blue)
A thin brush (for nail decorating)
Gel pen (perfect if you want to change the form of the leaves, just brush it off with your thumb)

I made the base by the Spongingtechnique I explain further down.

When the base was dry I painted with a gel pen, I had to make it a couple of times – but when I was satisfied I filled out the blanks with black nail polish by using the thin nail pencil.

I wasn’t satisfied with the purple color so when the black polish had dried, I used the gel pen again, made dots at the tip of the flower petals and blurred it out with a cotton pad (ear swab?).

-                                       If the black polish is uneven, it will look better with a layer of top coat!


Mmm. coffee

Some days have had a theme, like for example world’s aids day (scroll down) or spring, winter, autumn and so on.

Yesterday when I painted my nails I used the pattern I made a couple of days ago, called “Negative space”. To find the original ones scroll down.

At almost every nail, I had made somethings special. When I looked at them after a long while, I felt “naah” and it ended with almost every one of them turning black;)
I kept the ones I felt most satisfied with, so I just changed a bit from the other day, not much.. But why change something that is working?;)

Have a great day everyone!


Water marble

Well, I did this a while back when I was going to a wedding, it´s not the classic look on water marbeling but I love the messy look they got.
What you need:

Bowl with water
Nail polish in different colors
Something to poke around the polish with
Nails polish remover

Start by painting your nails with a base color and let it dry.
Drip a drop of the first color in the bowl with water – let it spread out and if it won’t, you use that something you picked out to poke it with.
Keep dripping a drop from different colors.
Use that thing again to make the patterns of the polish, start by dragging the polish from the outside and to the middle to get a pattern.

Dip your finger into the polish water and try not to get your nails in the polish on the way up.
Use a cotton pad with nail polish remover to get the left overs away from your fingers.

Good luck!



All of the nails are painted with white as a base (Maybelline New York Color show – 130 winter baby) except the two black ones (Maybelline New York Color show – 677 Blackout).

The dots are made with a thicker nail polish that I actually bought at a grocery store (Sensinity 02), I made the dots with a “dotting tool” by dripping some nail polish on a piece of plastic, dipping the small part of the tool in it and then putting it on my nails.

These spotted nails are made with a dark gray base (Isadora Wonder nail – Extra long lasting, quick dry) and the white polish is the same i used on the other ones.

It reminds me of snow, but that’s probably in the eyes of the beholder.  

                              -What do you think?


Some patterns I’ve made with pens.

Which pens you can wonder? Well, mostly its gel-pens, more often than not, I’m using nail polish together with them to make a base or fill out the blanks.

Something I haven’t tried yet are nail art pen, but maybe that will be the next step though. Maybe you have a brand you like and would tell me about? ;)

When I’m using different color gel-pens, I usually paint one color, let it dry and paint a top coat over it before using the other one. I taught this to myself the hard way, by smudging the colors together! So, here´s a few tips :
- Make a base with color or a transparent nail polish.
- Use the main color gel-pen and let it dry, put transparent/top coat over it and dry again.
- Paint the other color you want to use, and do this part over and over until you´re satisfied! 

"negative space" 

Spring 1
Spring 2

Doctor Who. 1

Doctor Who. 2

Mario 1

Mario 2

Winter is coming



There is so much fun to do with nails and different polish! Pinterest are one of those sites that I’ve found much of the things I’m doing with my nails.

When i first tried this, printing, I was skeptical because I didn´t get it to work, but after a few tries and with the right touch, it finally looked like something!

How do you do this? And what do you need?

1    Your favorite base and top coat.
2    Nail polish in a bright color.
3    Hand disinfectant.
4    Newspaper – cut to bits so it goes all over the nail.

Paint a base and let it dry properly!

Paint your nail with the color you chose and let it dry once more.

Dip your finger into the disinfectant.

Put your paperclip over the nail and have a even pressure for a whole 10 seconds.

Take the paperclip away and let it dry for a little while

Finish of with a top coat

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - Voila!



Not only Pinterest are a source for inspiration, another well-tried method is to be inspired by others in your everyday life!

This way to decorate your nails is from a colorful, fun and joyful friend!

As my friend usually is colorful she used a bright color scale for this, unfortunately though I´ve never got a smooth transition between the colors and they tend to melt together instead of looking good.. But practice makes better so maybe one day I´ll manage?!

Now, pick out the colors you want to use, myself, I picked two colors as you can see.
Then you use a makeup sponge or a different kind of sponge that doesn’t stick to the nails afterwards.

And last but not least – nail polish remover!.

First, paint one of the colors as a base and let it dry, I used the green one.

Then, as you can see on the picture above: paint the sponge with stripes.

Push your sponge over the nail... It won’t look good at first, more like the picture to the left ;)

Like I said before, more colors can be used. I´ve still only used two, but eventually it will probably be more of them.. Keep trying and learning ;)

Sponging some more

For the base of the winter nails I also used the sponge technique. First I made a base with the Barry M polish you can see just a bit down this page and finished off with a white “crackle” polish by using a sponge instead of just painting it.
Then I made the snowflakes with a gel pen!


Simple is good to!

I went on a shopping trip with a great group of friends, and of course I bought a couple of nail polishes.

When one of my friends found this, I felt a little bit happy! I don’t know why I didn’t buy more of those, they were limited edition... The one that I bought two of, I gave away to one of us who didn’t buy one – if it brings happiness and it´s possible to - share it!

The brand of this nail polish are called Kubiss, retailers that I get to mind for these in Stockholm (where I live) are Inn & Finn.
Kubiss have a
Facebook page and an account on Instagram, maybe they can tell where in your home town you can get it!?

I´ve had more of this brand in different colors. They don’t take that many layers to be even and not that much time to dry! And: Not animal tested!                                          
                                                                                                                        - Go brows!


This polish was given to me by my “brother in law” and his girl, C!  I really love the color and it´s pretty both as it and with matte top coat over it! 

The brand is
Barry M  “Gelly Hi-Shine nail paint”, 
Color shade Green Berry 339.

- Click on the name above if you want to buy one for      


Different days – different nails.

… Or sometimes different months. To make different nail designs depending on season is something that I’ve noticed is pretty common, to show support by patterns and sometimes choice of color isn’t either that uncommon.

I also do this, if you look below you can find pictures of nails I´ve made, maybe they can inspire you in your “decorating according to day”!?


World Autism Awareness Day

My opinion is that everyone, at different points in their lives,
are in need of some extra care and help. But most of us has someone close that are in a special need of that extra care – for example if they´ve got a diagnosis (not necessarily everyone need the extra part, but everyone needs the care bit).

I know people who are in need of this extra care,
it can even mean that they need to focus more in
shorter time/day or it means that they need help
to plan things in their everyday life.

Anyway! Don’t forget this day – April the 2nd

And when this day comes up again, wear something blue or put on the ribbon with puzzle pieces  to show that you give your support!


Vorld AIDS day

This day, December 1, the attention goes to AIDS and the Swedish organisation Noaks ark. On their page you can read about what they want to do, among other things, this is what they say:

"Noaks ark blev Sveriges första organisation för att förebygga hiv och att stödja smittade, sjuka och deras närmaste.

Ända sedan starten 1986 har vi arbetat mitt i den verklighet där hiv sprids och under årens lopp har en ojämförlig kunskap och erfarenhet samlats under ett och samma tak".

My translation:

Noaks ark became Sweden’s first organization built to prevent HIV and to support infected, sick and the people closest to them. Since the start in 1986, we have been working in the middle of the reality where HIV is spread and over the years, an incomparable knowledge and experience has been gathered under one roof

I don’t know which one, but the country where you live (if not Sweden), probably also have an organization that need all kind of support.


Movember och Men day

The fact that it is mustaches (and November at the moment) is partly to support Movember (without being able to grow a mustache myself).

At the Moveber foundations webbsite, you can read about their message, amongst other things this is what you can read:

"Movember har hittills samlat in över 3.789 miljoer, och finansierar för närvarande fler än 800 projekt för mäns hälsa i 21 länder. Detta arbete, som pågår året runt, räddar liv och skapar bättre förutsättningar för män som drabbas av prostat- och testickelcanser". 

My translation : 

”Movember has, this far, gathered over 3.789  million (in Swedish currency), and is currently funding more than 800 projects for men’s health in 21 different countries. This work, which takes place all year around, saves lives and creates better conditions for men who is affected by prostate- and testickel cancer".


Things that might come in handy when decorating!


Dotting tool, as you can see – mine is by the label Depend, but I can imagine that there are a lot of different brands and for sure, many different sizes of dotting tools?!

Pens and other good things

There are soooo many different tools to use when decorating your nails.

Amongst others, there are brushes in every different shapes, lengths and sizes, but something else I discovered that´s very simple and smooth to use: pens – more in the liquid form though. As you can read above, it´s important to let the pattern dry properly before putting a layer of nail polish over it, but if it gets smudged – you just have to let the top coat dry and make another layer of your pattern on top of it.

-       -  Voila!


Quick Dry!

To just sit there, without touching anything before the nail polish dries is not always that easy, actually it is one of my weaknesses when it comes to nail decoration – I want to do something else very short after I paint my nails. So, it gets smudged, gets a fingerprint or gets scraped of…

I heard about a spray that makes the polish dry fast, but when I went to buy it I only found it in one store and one brand, H&M (Afterwards I found a lot of them).

I thought that the polish would dry in about a minute after it gets sprayed but nope. I got a fingerprint all over it anyways (a small one though).

So I kept painting and spraying, I actually read what it said this time and let the polish dry for about 60 seconds before I used the spray and then I waited.

Eventually I noticed I got stuck watching the TV, so about 5 minutes passed before I touched it again – this time it was dry!

So, after about 5 minutes it´s safe to say that there is no more scraping, fingerprints or smudging! 


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